Wilderness House Literary Review # 5/1 |
WHLReview145 Foster Street Littleton MA 01460
The Wilderness House Literary Review is a publication devoted to excellence in literature and the arts.
The WHLReview is published online quarterly with a best of annual print edition.
Deadlines are as follows March 1 – Spring June 1 – Summer September 1 – Autumn December 1 – Winter
The annual edition will be published in October.
To contact an editor simply click on a name below:
Editor & Publisher
Poetry Editor
Fiction Editor
Nonfiction Editor
Book Reviews Editor
Arts Editor
Poet in Residence
The Wilderness House Literary Review is the result of the cooperation of the and the Wilderness House Literary Retreat.
All submissions must be in electronic form. Our preference is an MS Word file sent as an attachment. We don't pay so you retain all copyrights. If we publish your work online we may include it in our print annual.
Poetry may be submitted in any length. Please don't submit 100 poems and ask us to pick 3.
Short fiction may be submitted in three formats:
1. very short stories less than 500 words in length 2. short stories less than 1000 words in length 3. Short stories that don’t fit the above should be less than 5000 words.
We also accept longer forms of fiction occasionally.
Non-Fiction is just that so lets see some interesting footnotes.
Book Reviews should be positive unless the author is a well-known blowhard. Our mission is to encourage literature not discourage it.
Non-fiction should be short, (a lot) less than 5000 words.
Any form of art may be submitted with the constraint that it must be something that can be published in 2 dimensions. It’s hard to publish sculpture but illustrations together with some intelligent prose count.
Published works are welcome with proper attribution.
Please submit all works electronically.
Welcome to the seventeenth issue (Volume 5, no 1) of the Wilderness
House Literary Review. WHLR is a result of the collaboration between a
group of poets and writers who call themselves the Bagel Bards (who have just published their latest anthology) and the Wilderness House Literary Retreat. All of the stories, articles, poems and examples of art have
been presented as PDF files, Portable Document Format. This is a format that
allows for a much cleaner presentation than would otherwise be available on
the web. If you don’t have an Adobe Reader (used to read a PDF file) on your
computer you can download one from the Adobe website. The files are large and we hope you will be patient when downloading
but we think the beauty of the words deserves a beautiful presentation.
If you like what you see here please share it:
Table of Contents
OpineIt is spring. That small patch of ice shaded by an evergreen and left over from the relatively mild winter has finally disappeared and spring is here. By any measure it’s spring. The robins have been here for several weeks and a large flight of Canadian Geese headed north bypassing what has become dangerous territory for them now that wild coyotes hunt goslings in packs. Spring is a watercolorist’s brush of faint yellows washed on the etched lines of the willow trees and a pointillist set of red dots that gloss the tips of the umber trunks of maples. We are near the end of the sap run. The crocuses are up and soon daffodils, tulips and the rainbow of summer will follow. It’s only a month or so before the brown lawns will be green and in need of mowing again. Our new permanent house guest, Pepper, a magnificent German Short Haired Pointer, has awoken from a winters slumber and now thrills at the sight or scent of a rabbit, a squirrel and the herd of deer escaping from that same pack of coyotes over flown by geese. This dog whose territory normally encompasses the immediate neighborhood was returned by an admiring farmer a full mile down the street after he spotted her stalking a deer. A new gadget, a GPS tracker, attached to Peppers collar traces her peregrinations when she scratches to be let out at night. She patrols her territory like a good policeman. First she visits her friend Ginger, another German Short Haired Pointer living within an electric fence two doors down. If Ginger is outside they’ll play for a few minutes then Pepper will move on to the house of an elderly couple who we suspect feeds her. The final stop on her beat is the hidden glen across the street in Bumblebee Park where she has repeatedly found evidence of deer sleeping over. It is Spring and we breath the air deeply, just before we sneeze. Search the houseArtRebecca Bleecher is highly acknowledged for her wood cuts because of the unique and imaginative subjects she chose and her ability to create an intense and striking quality of light through her cutting technique. Although she has continued to develop her printmaking skills in woodcut, intaglio, and lithography, Rebecca decided to switch to painting. Her paintings are always full of color, often reminiscent of Gauguin. EssaysCecile Sarruf tells us about her
Kitchen in Beirut. FictionOur fiction editor loves Anton Chekhov and despairs the notion that there are no latter day Chekhovs submitting works for his consideration. This is not to say that the work he receives isn’t excellent … it’s just not Chekhov. To that end WHLReview announces a new prize for fiction to be called “the Chekhov Prize.” A google search reveals several other Chekhov prizes with cash. Alas we’re not offering cash. We will look for a bearded bobble-head doll. In the mean time we have T-shirts with the Chekhov Prize logo available. Just click on Chekhov's head. We are pleased to announce our Checkov Prize for 2010 - Josh Howatt who's story "Fault of Frangipani" we believe is the best piece of fiction published in Volume 4. Our runner up is Dinh Vong for his story Threads. Our fiction editor Timothy Gager has a new book out: Treating a Sick Animal. A sample from this book can be found here. Our editor & publisher, not wanting to be out done, has a new chapbook too: Opuscula. We are going to test a new section. It may be transitory or it may become a permanent part of WHLR. You decide: fragments of novels looking for homes (publishers)Kim Triedman continues to gets shrunk in
The Other Room Beverly Jackson -
Last Communion PoetryOur poetry editor, not wanting to be outdone by our fiction editor is pleased to announce the Gertrude Stein "rose" prize for creativity in poetry. Anyone published in Volume 3 (and beyond) is eligible. We don't have any idea what the prize will consist of - a t-shirt for sure. Perhaps we can find a Plaster of Paris bust of Julius Caesar, put a rose in its mouth and decorate it to look like Gertrude Stein. In the mean time we have T-shirts with the our rose prize logo available. Just click on Gerturde's head. Not to be outdone by her fellow editors our poetry editor, Irene Koronas, also has a new book out: Pentakomo Cyprus We are pleased to announce that our 2010 "Rose" prize for poetry goes to We start with two Epic Poems:Ellen A. Hunter -
The Iliad Of Homer - Book II We have a remarkable lineup of poets, enjoy: ReviewsDO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING Nothing Divine Here Among Thieves By David Hosp Laissez-Passer by Ricky Rapoport Friesem Treating A Sick Animal: Flash and Micro Fictions. Our review editor has a new book out too. Poems from the Left Bank: Somerville, Mass. As we said when we started this is a joint
production of Wilderness House Literary Retreat and the “bagel bards”.
The “Bagel Bards” have just published their fourth
anthology. You may purchase them here:
WHLReview is brought to you by: An exciting travelog:
Deer & other Stories